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3rd Trial Event DUO Golf Summary & Results
Cared4 4Life FUN-Raiser on July, 27th, 2021
It was a hot and muggy one at the Cared4 4Life FUN-Raiser Golf Mixer & Trial Tournament. We thank you for your patience in receiving the final results for all our unique social and competitive results and leaderboard. We are working to build a better process to get participants quick results and leaderboard updates. We think we have it and hope you enjoy the outings summary, results and overall golf leaderboard.
There were many winners in the 2nd test run with the beautiful White Eagle Golf Club. Once again we had 32 teams competing for many different, new, exciting & unique golf competitions. Below is the brief box score and summary of the event.
Onsite Apparel & Thomas Rueters had full flights and are both the big all around winners. They were both very competitive social and the most fun flights on the course. Their Flight Attendants & Pilots, along with the White Eagle staff gave them rave reviews. They earned the right to come back and earned spots in the Super Mixer Bowl.
Christian Haus won the first individual stroke tournament in the morning round. Bob Wild of Lonnie Larson Team - Remax took home the Individual Point Total for the DUO team tournament. Bob & Christian won the right to sit in the Flexx Golf Throne.
Read below for more scores and details.
The Big winners earned a right to play for the Super Mixer Bowl on Super Mixer Bowl Sunday, September 26, 2021! 12 more teams from this event earned a spot in the Super Mixer Bowl.
Final Shot Pot - Team ONSITE Apparel
Overall Champion with a Competitive, Social & Charitable Score.
Thomas Rueter & Onsite Apparel - Full Flights
Level 4 Winners Score TEAM
**Team Low Score -7 Jake Miller & Kane Bauer
Level 3
**Team Low Score -6 Bob Wild & Lonnie Larson
Level 2
DUO Points 39 Brian Chapman & Thomas Shuldheisz
For more detailed results and to view the overall leaderboard please contact Jason Berg at 612-328-4771.
Final Trial Event DUO Golf Summary & Results
Cared4 4Life FUN-Raiser on August 31, 2021
This Cared4 4Life FUN-Raiser Golf Mixer & Trial Tournament consisted of 16 teams.
There were many winners in the Final test run with the beautiful White Eagle Golf Club.
AdvisorNet brought a full flight and they were the big all around winners. With Max & Miles winning the top 2 person team. They also won the best 8 golfers with a total of 256 points.
Final Shot Pot: Andrew Manchester
Overall Champion with the best Fun, Competitive, Social & Charitable Score: AdvisorNet
Level 4 Winners Score TEAM
**Team Low Score -5 Max Opheim & Miles Buska
Level 3
**Team Low Score -1 Troy Maag & Isaac Wales
Level 2
DUO Points 43 Brian Chapman & Thomas Shuldheisz
For more detailed results and to view the overall leaderboard please contact Jason Berg at 612-328-4771.